Den kompletta listan med Instagrams 111 bästa hårcitat (2025)


Har du precis varit hos frissan och fått till den där nya perfekta frisyren och letar efter en passande Instagram-caption till din bild? Eller kanske är du frisör och bara vill ha ett roligt hårcitat att post på din feed? Då har du kommit helt rätt.

Baserat på många timmars research har vi sammanställt en lista på Instagram och Pinterests 111 bästa hårcitat. Oavsett om du är blond, ginger eller brunett, har långt, kort, vågigt eller lockigt hår — så har vi ett citat som passar dig!

Om du bara är intresserad av en viss typ av hårcitat rekommenderar vi att du klickar på länkarna i innehållsförteckningen nedan för att komma direkt till önskat avsnitt. Låt oss börja!

Gå direkt till den typ av hårcitat du letar efter:

Citat för rödhåriga

Visste du att endast 1-2 procent av världens befolkning har naturligt rött hår? Kanske är det därför inte konstigt att de väcker folks uppmärksamhet. Genom historien har rödhåriga mötts av både beundran och fördomar såsom att de skulle ha ett starkt humör och vild sexuell lust. Det är också något som ofta anspelas på i citaten om rödhåriga på sociala medier idag.

You can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you’ll never get any sleep with a redhead!

Jamie Luner

You can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you’ll never get any sleep with a redhead!

Sun’s out. Gingers in.


Sun’s out. Gingers in.

Freckles are redhead glitter.


Freckles are redhead glitter

I had the right to remain silent, but being a redhead, I did not have the ability.


I had the right to remain silent, but being a redhead, I did not have the ability.

Red hair doesn’t come in a bottle, it’s in your genes. You can’t buy the fire you are born with.


Red hair doesn’t come in a bottle, it’s in your genes. You can’t buy the fire you are born with.

Red hair. The crown you never take off.


Red hair. The crown you never take off.

Silly blonde. Brains are for redheads.


Silly blonde. Brains are for redheads.

Redheads for the few men brave enough to play with fire.


Redheads for the few men brave enough to play with fire.

I was a redhead …before it was cool.


I was a redhead before it was cool.

Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but it takes a real man to handle a redhead


Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but it takes a real man to handle a redhead.

I’m a redhead. I can go from fuck you to fuck me to get the fuck out of me sight. All within five minutes.


I’m a redhead. I can go from fuck you to fuck me to get the fuck out of me sight. All within five minutes.

Citat för lockigt hår

Det finns många teorier om vad som gör hårets lockar, och sanningen är att ingen riktigt vet säkert. En vanlig uppfattning bland forskare är att det har att göra med ett plattare skaft som resulterar i en mer böjd form. Oavsett anledningen är det tydligt att de flesta är väldigt stolta över sitt lockiga hår (vilket man såkalrt ska vara) – dock kommer det ofta med sina utmaningar, vilket återspeglas i de många hårcitat som finns på Instagram och Pinterest.

Who runs the world? Curls.


Who runs the world? Curls.

My curls are like me. #Chaos.


My curls are like me. #Chaos.

Roses are red, violets are blue, my curls are healthy, yours can be too!


Roses are red, violets are blue, my curls are healthy, yours can be too!

I didn’t want to go out, but my curls looked too good to stay in.


I didn’t want to go out, but my curls looked too good to stay in.

My mood depends on how good my curls look.

My mood depends on how good my curls look.

When you take a picture of yourself, half of it is your hair.

When you take a picture of yourself, half of it is your hair.

Ask a curly girl about her hair and she’ll tell you about her life.


Ask a curly girl about her hair and she’ll tell you about her life.

May your curls grow and your skin glow.

May your curls grow and your skin glow.

Curly hair is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.


Curly hair is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

I make curl contact before I make eye contact.


I make curl contact before I make eye contact.

Your curls are your crown. The bigger the volume, the bigger your throne.


Your curls are your crown. The bigger the volume, the bigger your throne.

Curly hair is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle.


Curly hair is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle.

Roliga hårcitat

På Instagram finns en uppsjö med roliga hårcitat och memes att välja bland. Vi har lagt mycket tid på att hitta de allra bästa guldkornen.

Hey Siri, wash my hair.


Hey Siri, wash my hair.

Do I want bangs or do I just need to talk about my feelings?


Do I want bangs or do I just need to talk about my feelings?

Therapy is expensive, get a haircut instead. We’re great listeners.


Therapy is expensive, get a haircut instead. We’re great listeners.

I got 99 bobby pins, but I can’t find one.

I got 99 bobby pins, but I can’t find one.

I mean I’m over it, but I’m definitely going to bring it up to my hairstylist.


I mean I’m over it, but I’m definitely going to bring it up to my hairstylist.

If you only heat style once a week, that is still 52 times in a year …use protection.


If you only heat style once a week, that is still 52 times in a year …use protection.

No matter how crazy things get over the next few weeks. I ask you, please do not box dye your hair.


No matter how crazy things get over the next few weeks. I ask you, please do not box dye your hair.

Whatever you do, do not cut your own bangs. Put the scissor down.


Whatever you do, do not cut your own bangs. Put the scissor down.

I googled my symptoms. Turns out I just need my hair done.


I googled my symptoms. Turns out I just need my hair done.

When I say I won’t tell anybody …my hairdresser doesn’t count.


When I say I won’t tell anybody …my hairdresser doesn’t count.

If MONDAY was a haircut, it would be a MULLET.


If MONDAY was a haircut, it would be a MULLET.

If you see me with a new hairstyle, I’ve been through something, but I’m cool. If I have bangs, call somebody.


If you see me with a new hairstyle, I’ve been through something, but I’m cool. If I have bangs, call somebody.

Citat för nytt hår

Gick du precis ut från salongen med den där perfekta nya frisyren som du önskade? Då har vi rätt Instagram-caption för dig.

New Monday. New Week. New Hair.


New Monday. New Week. New Hair.

New year. New me. New hair extensions.


New year. New me. New hair extensions.

Citat för naturligt hår

Inga hår är exakt likadana. Alla har vi olika färg, struktur och längd på håret. Oavsett om du är blond, brunett, ginger, har lockigt eller afrohår – så ska du ska stolt över det.

I didn’t go natural.. I decided to cherish what I’ve been given.


I didn’t go natural.. I decided to cherish what I’ve been given.

Good hair is defined by hair health, not hair texture.


Good hair is defined by hair health, not hair texture.

I didn’t go natural, I started to love the hair I was born with.


I didn’t go natural, I started to love the hair I was born with.

Citat för kort hår

Kvinnor med kort hår förknippas ofta med makt och attityd – Marilyn Monroe och Audrey Hepburn är två sådana power-kvinnor. Så, till alla er, här är de bästa citaten för kort hår.

Yes, you can still rock that style with short hair.


Yes, you can still rock that style with short hair.

Why does a girl cut her hair short? Just to say: I miss my long hair.


Why does a girl cut her hair short? Just to say: I miss my long hair.

I’m sorry for what I said when I was growing out my bangs.


I’m sorry for what I said when I was growing out my bangs.

I had short hair for a while, but I ended up loving it.

Tatyana Ali

I had short hair for a while, but I ended up loving it.

The shorter my hair, the shorter my patience.

Robyn Dixon

The shorter my hair, the shorter my patience.

He liked her with long hair so she cut it short.


He liked her with long hair so she cut it short.

Short hair, don't care.


Short hair, don

Positiva hårcitat

Vem blir inte glad över en komplimang för sitt nya hår? Boosta din dag med dessa positiva hårcitat.

Life is short. Make each beautiful hair flip count.


Life is short. Make each beautiful hair flip count.

Happy hair. Happy life.


Happy hair. Happy life.

May your day be as bright as your highlight.


May your day be as bright as your highlight.

Happiness is meeting the right hairstylist.


Happiness is meeting the right hairstylist.

Behind every beautiful woman is a hairstylist that loves her.


Behind every beautiful woman is a hairstylist that loves her.

I didn’t want to go out, but my hair looked too good to stay in.


I didn’t want to go out, but my hair looked too good to stay in.

Love is in the hair.


Love is in the hair.

Hair is the best accessory.


Hair is the best accessory.

When she flips her hair, the world sees her shine.


When she flips her hair, the world sees her shine.

Life is too short to have boring hair.


Life is too short to have boring hair.

Citat för blont hår

Naturligt blont hår är vanligast bland människor från norra Europa, och har under lång tid förknippats med kvinnlig skönhet. Men som kvinna kan det ibland vara både dyrt och ett stort åtagande att vara blond, vilket visas i flera av dessa hårcitat.

Blondes do it better.


Blondes do it better.

Going, Going, Blonde.


Going, Going, Blonde.

You only live once, so live it blonde!


You only live once, so live it blonde!

I’m such a blonde. It doesn’t make sense for me to have dark hair.

Jessica Simpson

I’m such a blonde. It doesn’t make sense for me to have dark hair.

Being blonde is such a commitment. I’m practically married to my toner.


Being blonde is such a commitment. I’m practically married to my toner.

I have expensive hobbies and being blonde is one of them.


I have expensive hobbies and being blonde is one of them.

Citat för långt hår

Långt hår förknippas ofta med kvinnlig skönhet, men kan ibland ha sina utmaningar. Om du någonsin provat att gå med långt hår en blåsig dag vet du vad jag pratar om – dessa hårcitat är för dig.

Long hair in simple style looks beautiful.


Long hair in simple style looks beautiful.

If my 22 inch hair hit you when I flip it, then you’re 22 inches too close to me. Back up.


If my 22 inch hair hit you when I flip it, then you’re 22 inches too close to me. Back up.

Long hair and lip gloss on a windy day. The struggle is real.


Long hair and lip gloss on a windy day. The struggle is real.

Having long hair is the most annoying and wonderful thing ever, all at the same time.


Having long hair is the most annoying and wonderful thing ever, all at the same time.

If a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her.


If a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her.

Citat för hårfärg

Många människor kan relatera till känslan av att byta hårfärg. Som många citat antyder, genom att ändra din hårfärg, kan du också ändra ditt sinnestillstånd och attityd, samt visa andra människor ditt humör och personlighet. Låt oss titta på de bästa citaten nedan!

If you can’t change your surroundings, change your hair color.

Brittany Murphy

If you can’t change your surroundings, change your hair color.

My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.

Julia Roberts

My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.

Whatever hair color I have on my head, that’s what decides what type of outfit I’m going to wear.

Cardi B

Whatever hair color I have on my head, that’s what decides what type of outfit I’m going to wear.

You can’t act like box dye and expect to be treated like balayage.


You can’t act like box dye and expect to be treated like balayage.

It’s not just a hair color, it’s a state of mind..


It’s not just a hair color, it’s a state of mind..

The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you.

Coco Chanel

The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you.

Citat för rufsigt hår

De flesta upplever dåliga hårdagar, vissa oftare än andra. Om du har långt hår och/eller lockigt hår vet du förmodligen vad jag pratar om. Men ibland får man helt enkelt bara leva med det och ta det för vad det är, vilket föreslås av några av citaten nedan.

Thanks humidity. I always wanted to look like a lion.


Thanks humidity. I always wanted to look like a lion.

I don’t know what’s messier, my hair or my life.


I don’t know what’s messier, my hair or my life.

I don’t need a hairstylist. My pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.


I don’t need a hairstylist. My pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.

On a bad hair day there is always lipstick.


On a bad hair day there is always lipstick.

Citat för frisörer

Eftersom många frisörer använder Instagram för att marknadsföra sig själva finns det en uppsjö av mycket specifik frisörhumor på plattformen. Nedan kan du hitta några av de mest populära hårcitaten från denna community.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but your $5 shampoo won’t maintain your $165 hair color.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but your $5 shampoo won’t maintain your $165 hair color.

Hairdressing is not a job. It’s a craft.

Hairdressing is not a job. It’s a craft.

Hairdresser: Where do you part? Client: Just in the car park.

Hairdresser: Where do you part? Client: Just in the car park.

I think the most important thing a woman can have – next to talent of course – is her hairdresser.

Dolly Parton

I think the most important thing a woman can have – next to talent of course – is her hairdresser.

Great hair doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by appointment.


Great hair doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by appointment.

Hairstylists are part artists, part therapists, part stylists, all fabulous!

Hairstylists are part artists, part therapists, part stylists, all fabulous!

I make people beautiful. What’s your superpower?

I make people beautiful. What’s your superpower?

Clients come in like.. Can I get Bailyaege, Can I get Boleyage, Can I get Booleyage, Can I get Biologeyege.

Clients come in like.. Can I get Bailyaege, Can I get Boleyage, Can I get Booleyage, Can I get Biologeyege.

Client: I want my hair to look like this *shows photo *. Stylist: First of all… That’s a wig.

Client: I want my hair to look like this *shows photo*. Stylist: First of all… That’s a wig.

Life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.

Peter Coppola

Life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.

Studies show that people are 99.99% happier after having their hair colored by a professional. Just saying.


Studies show that people are 99.99% happier after having their hair colored by a professional. Just saying.

Don’t you just love the smell of no clients on a Sunday morning?


Don’t you just love the smell of no clients on a Sunday morning?

The best hairstylists never stop learning.


The best hairstylists never stop learning.

Behind every beautiful woman is a fabulous hairstylist.


Behind every beautiful woman is a fabulous hairstylist.

We all start with zero followers. Zero clients and with zero clue what we’re doing.


We all start with zero followers. Zero clients and with zero clue what we’re doing.

I need to be able to trust you like I trust my hairdresser.


I need to be able to trust you like I trust my hairdresser.

Inspirerande hårcitat

Behöver du lite mer motivation och inspiration i ditt liv? Kolla in dessa populära inspirerande hårcitaten – vi är säkra på att de kommer få dig att le.

Good hair makes me feel like I can rule the world.


Good hair makes me feel like I can rule the world.

Invest in your hair, it’s the crown you never take off.


Invest in your hair, it’s the crown you never take off.

Life is short. Make each hair flip fabulous.


Life is short. Make each hair flip fabulous.

Life isn’t perfect but your hair can be.


Life isn’t perfect but your hair can be.

Your hair is a beautiful crown, wear it with confidence.


Your hair is a beautiful crown, wear it with confidence.

Fräcka hårcitat

Letar du efter ett fräckt hårcitat till din Instagram-caption? Då har du kommit rätt – vi listar en uppsjö att välja på nedan.

I hope your day is as nice as my hair.

I hope your day is as nice as my hair.

Wake up, flip hair, kick ass.


Wake up, flip hair, kick ass.

Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.


Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.

Flip your hair like you just don’t care.


Flip your hair like you just don’t care.

Play with my hair not my heart.


Play with my hair not my heart.

No, you can't touch my hair.


No, you can

Citat för stort hår

Har du riktigt stort hår? Vi har sammanställt några av de bästa citaten för stora hår som går att hitta på sociala medier. Välj och vraka, förhoppningsvis hittar du något du gillar!

The bigger the hair, the harder they stare.


The bigger the hair, the harder they stare.

Big hair. Big dreams.


Big hair. Big dreams.

My hair is too big. Said no woman ever.

Hair La Vire

My hair is too big. Said no woman ever.

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.

Citat för grått hår

Att bli gråhårig är en naturlig del av åldrandet, och något som bör omfamnas snarare än att bli förtvivlad över. Vad sägs om att kalla det wisdom highlights istället?

I don’t have gray hair, I’ve got wisdom highlights.


I don’t have gray hair, I’ve got wisdom highlights.

Gray hair is a blessing …ask any bald man.


Gray hair is a blessing …ask any bald man.

Hur du skapar dina egna hårcitat med bilder till din Instagram

Det enklaste sättet att skapa en Instagram-bild med ditt hårcitat är att använda Canva – det är gratis och kommer med färdiga mallar som du kan använda för Instagram. Du väljer enkelt bild, font och text för ditt citat och kan sedan ladda ned bilden till din dator för att posta som ett inlägg. Om du uppgraderar till premium får du tillgång till fler stockfoton från deras bibliotek.

Här är en steg-för-steg-guide:

Steg 1: Skapa ett konto och klicka sedan på "Create a design" i det övre högra hörnet.

Create a design

Steg 2: Välj "Instagram Post" som mall med 1080 x 1080 px.

Choose the Instagram post template

Steg 3: Sök efter "Quote" i sökrutan för mallar och bestäm vilken mall du vill välja.

Search for quote template

Steg 4: Ändra bakgrundsbilden genom att klicka på "Change template background" i menyn till vänster och sök sedan i deras bildbank med stockfoton för att välja en lämplig bild.

Change template background.

Steg 5: Ändra citatet till ett som visas i den här artikeln genom att helt enkelt klicka på exempeltexten i bilden och skriva in ditt citat.

Change the quote

Steg 6: Om du vill ändra teckensnitt eller teckenstorlek klickar du på texten och ändrar i arbetsytans vänstra hörn. Du kan också ändra positionen för citatet genom att dra textrutan och göra den mindre eller större som du vill.

Change the font

Steg 7: Klicka på knappen "Share" i det övre högra hörnet och sedan på "Download" för att spara bilden på din dator.

Download the image

Klart! Du är nu redo att ladda upp bilden på Instagram.